Army Counter-Intelligence and Security Conference

Wednesday 28 February 2024
The Queen Elizabeth II Centre, Broad Sanctuary, London SW1P 3EE

The Cavalry & Guards Club, 127 Piccadilly, London, W1J 7PX
In partnership with

ArmybabcockGlobal EMCVaronisTANIUM-2CapgeminiCellebriteEverfoxBT



The Army’s vision is to generate a strong organisational culture which understands and values the critical nature of security. It aspires for security to be built into all operational aspects of the organisation, thereby effectively reducing the risk to the Army’s people, information and assets. Due to the constantly evolving sophisticated and complex threats, advanced technologies must be explored to ensure the Army are vigilant and prepared in this contemporary threat landscape.

Join us at the Army Counter-Intelligence and Security Conference to understand the work being conducted within the Army to protect its systems, personnel and cyberspace. Hear from the Director of Information, Major General John Collyer, and key experts from the Cyber, Counter-Intelligence and Security branch, alongside leading industry professionals with the potential to shape the Army’s approach to security-based problems using next-generation security. This will be a significant networking event with opportunities for companies to meet the Army's Counter-Intelligence and Security SMEs and raise awareness of their capabilities.


This conference has already taken place. You can read a short blog summarising the key takeaways from the day, with links to the slides and a redacted copy of the Army Security Plan on our blog page here.
If your company is interested in speaking opportunities or becoming an event partner, please contact


08:40 Registration, breakfast and networking

09:30 Opening Remarks

Richard Morgan - Founder, Chief Disruptor Defence

Lieutenant General Dame Sharon Nesmith DCB - Deputy Chief of the General Staff (video address)

Major General John Collyer - Director Information and Army CIO

Kristina Evans - Head of Cyber and Security, British Army

10:00 Plenary session: Army SMARTBase Concept


The Army's approach to layered security

Digital enablers

The Army's approach to red teaming

Early findings and direction of travel



Colonel David Duncan - Principal Security Advisor (Army)

Sally Wareham - Assistant Head Digitalisation, British Army

Craig Collins - Digital Lead Innovation Architect, British Army

10:30 Coffee and Networking

11:05 Breakout Sessions

Physical Security - "Testing our Physical Security"


Integrated security: A physical, technical, personnel and procedural approach



Lieutenant Colonel Sam Roberts - CO 2 Military Intelligence Battalion

Michelle Costello - SEO Army Security

Lee Rabjohn - Commercial Operations Director, Global EMC

Personnel Security - "Security Issues that Emanate from our People"


The insider threat



Colonel David Duncan - Principal Security Advisor (Army)

Matt Lock - Technical Director UK, Ireland and Middle East, Varonis

11:55 Plenary session: "What threats does industry see coming and what tools do they have to combat them?"

Defence in-depth (onion layer and overlapping measures)


Doctor Simon Wiseman, Chief Technology Officer, Everfox

Bogdan Grigorescu, Senior Technical Lead - Architecture & Quality Engineering, eBay

12:40 Lunch and Networking

13:45 Plenary session: Army Security Culture and Incidents


The Army's current security situation:

Incidents and trends

Driving cultural change (measurements and KPIs)

Online challenges and priority risky behaviours


Industry perspectives of KPIs and milestones:

The cyber security challenge

Incident management

Data and trend analysis

Driving security culture change



Sarah Hannam - SEO Warning, Advice, Reporting Point (WARP), British Army

Jessica Benton - HEO Security Culture, British Army

Vic Djondo - Senior Manager, Engagement, Transformation, Security Culture & Education, BT Group

Ashley Lloyd - Security Culture & Education Manager, BT Group

14:50 Breakout Sessions

Cyber Security - "Approaches to Defensive Cyber"


Current threat picture (NCSC update)

Operationalising of defensive cyber security

Cyber Table Top Exercises (TTXs)

Crisis simulation workshops



(Name withheld) - National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) speaker

Kristina Evans - Head of Cyber and Security, British Army

Major Peter Malan CISSP - SO2 Defensive Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities, British Army

Doug Davidson -  Senior Director & Cybersecurity Lead for Aerospace and Defence, Capgemini

Resilience and Business Continuity -

"What are we protecting and why?"






Major Michelle Churcher - SO2 Counter-Intelligence Operations and Plans, British Army

(Name withheld) - National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) speaker

Owen Sudlow - Group Technology Director, Babcock International Group

15:35 Coffee and Networking

16:05 Panel Discussion


During this session the leaders of the breakout sessions will present the key outcomes to the audience, which the panellists will then share their reflections on. The floor will then open for Q&A.



(Name withheld) - MOD Chief Security Officer

Kristina Evans - Head of Cyber and Security, British Army

Air Commodore Mike Wilson - Head GRC CyDR, MOD

Matt Lock - Technical Director UK, Ireland and Middle East, Varonis

Doug Davidson -  Senior Director & Cybersecurity Lead for Aerospace and Defence, Capgemini

Owen Sudlow - Group Technology Director, Babcock International Group

16:50 Closing Remarks

Major General John Collyer - Director Information and Army CIO

Kristina Evans - Head of Cyber and Security, British Army

Richard Morgan - Founder, Chief Disruptor Defence

17:05 Break

Time to change and move to the Cavalry and Guards Club

19:00 - 19:30 Pre-dinner Drinks and Networking

Dress: Black tie

19:30 Dinner

Dinner speakers:

Major General John Collyer - Director Information and Army CIO

Professor John Howie MBE - Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Babcock International Group


Maj Gen John Collyer-1

Major General John Collyer

Director Information & Chief Information Officer

British Army

Major General Collyer was educated at Ermysted’s Grammar School in North Yorkshire and Welbeck Sixth Form College before commissioning into the Royal Signals. His early service was spent at Regimental Duty in Battlegroup, Brigade, Division, Corps and Joint Force formations and with Other Government Departments.

Following Junior and Initial Command and Staff courses, Major General Collyer commanded at Squadron and Regimental level and subsequently Joint Forces Cyber Group and 1st (United Kingdom) Signal Brigade. His staff appointments have included the MOD Operations Directorate, Defence Intelligence, Army Headquarters, Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps and the United States Security Coordinator HQ. In the deployed arena, he has operated in the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and wider Middle East. He holds a 1st Class Information Systems Engineering Degree with honours, a Masters in Defence Studies from King’s College London, is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the British Computer Society.

Following an assignment as Head Strategy, Capability and Development in the Army HQ Information Directorate, he was appointed the Army HQ’s Director of Information and Chief Information Officer from October 2021.

A keen mountaineer, climber and ultra-distance competitor, Major General Collyer has led military and civilian expeditions in the Far East, the Middle East, the Alps, Tanzania, Kenya and the USA. He has led and competed in multiple ultra-distance running and swimming challenges across Europe and in the US. His academic interests include the Near Middle East, politics, technology, innovation and history.  He is married to Emma, a teacher; they have two boys and live in Herefordshire.

Sally Wareham MBCS FdA

Sally Wareham

Assistant Head Digitalisation

British Army

Assistant Head Digitalisation within Directorate Information, Army Headquarters and lead for the Army’s Digital Transformation Programme “THEIA “, orchestrating and driving coherence and behavioural change across the whole force to get the Army to a position of “Digital by Default.” Sally’s first civil service appointment was as a clerk for Army Data Services, before progressing to project support and lead for multiple data and IT projects. Other positions Sally has held have been coherence lead for Army data services, software design, prototyping development, Army Help desk 3rd and 4th line technical support, architecture development for Directorate Information and wider Defence, NATO and Allies communities, Capability Development lead for Army Information Activities and Outreach, and C4Systems Integration Team Lead during a short spell at DSTL. Sally lives in Swindon and has 2 grown up children, a keen interest in motorbikes and wider motorsport. She enjoys travelling, and in her spare time, Sally manages one of the UK‘s largest Bluegrass music festivals.


Colonel David Duncan
Principal Security Advisor

British Army

Colonel David Duncan is an experienced military professional with extensive knowledge in various roles. His service began as an infantry platoon commander in Northern Ireland, followed by several intelligence appointments. These included operational tours in the Middle East, an exchange post in Australia, and strategic roles within the Ministry of Defence.

In his current role as the Army Principal Security Advisor, Colonel Duncan oversees physical, cyber, and personnel security, as well as resilience within the British Army. His prior roles are diverse and include commanding a military intelligence battalion and serving as a strategic analyst and geospatial intelligence officer.

Colonel Duncan's staff appointments are equally diverse, with a notable tour developing a technical exploitation capability for Defence and multinational partners. After completing the Advanced Command and Staff Course in 2017, he served as the Deputy Chief of Staff in the Defence Safety Authority. This was followed by a role focused on countering diverse threats to Defence.

Outside of work, Colonel Dave is an avid sports enthusiast, although he has attempted too many to excel at any. He is a keen shot and enjoys climbing and sailing when his schedule allows, which sadly is less often than he would like.

Craig Collins

Craig Collins

Digital Transformation Lead Innovation Architect (Programme THEIA)

British Army

Craig is the Programme THEIA Digital Transformation Lead Innovation Architect, driving innovation and transformation initiatives to optimise operational efficiency and elevate business management. His role entails establishing coherence within internal and external innovation communities, cultivating partnerships to provide cutting-edge solutions for complex business challenges. Craig's extensive career encompasses diverse engagements in the military, private, and public sectors, where he has implemented technical solutions to revolutionise work processes.

As the Army lead for Larkhill SMARTBase, Craig pioneers innovative strategies to enhance the overall experience at work, rest, and play for the whole force on base. Through the SMARTBase initiative, he facilitates the development and learning process by empowering users to rapidly trial and assess capabilities, emphasising agility and adaptability. His disruptive and challenging approach to innovation encourages individuals to think differently about the problems they face and strive to learn fast by doing.

Michelle Costello

Michelle Costello

SEO Army Security

British Army

Michelle Costello is a Senior Executive Officer in Army Security, responsible for the implementation of physical security policy across the Army. Her role serves as a catalyst for fostering a security culture within the Army, focusing on behaviours, awareness, and education.

Originally from South Africa, Michelle relocated to the UK in 2017. Before her transition into security, Michelle practiced as a barrister with a particular interest in family law. After taking a career break to raise her children, she joined the Civil Service and made a significant impact as the first lead for Army Security Culture in 2022. One of her notable achievements includes the creation of the Digital Drills app. This innovative tool provides all personnel with up-to-date, open-source guidance on combating cyber threats on both home and work devices.

Michelle is certified in human risk management through SANS and GIAC, and she has also completed the Security Culture for Leaders program. Her training in these areas will enable her to drive a broad cultural change within the Army in the field of security.

Aside from her professional interests, Michelle has a passion for genealogy. Michelle’s vision is to ensure that all ranks and grades within the Army understand the importance of security and recognise it’s essential role in safeguarding everyone and their families.

Jessica Benton

Jessica Benton

HEO Security Culture

British Army

Jessica Benton serves as a Higher Executive Officer and the lead for Army Culture, with her primary responsibility being the education of the whole force on good security behaviours.

She brings four years of experience in security roles to her position, including her work at the Army Warning Advice and Reporting Point. This experience has given her a deep understanding of security issues and their impact across the Army.She has been instrumental in the adoption of the SMARTBase pilot at Larkhill Garrison, working closely with the THEIA team. Jessica's role involved training and supporting garrison personnel, ensuring a smooth transition.

Jessica holds a degree in Psychology, which has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of human behaviour and the strategies required to effect behavioural change. She is certified in human risk management through SANS and GIAC, qualifications that will aid in the development of a security awareness program for all ranks and grades within the Army.

Outside of her professional life, Jessica is a skilled pianist, having achieved a Grade 7 in Piano. She began her studies at the age of 7 and has continued to cultivate her musical talent. Jessica's vision is to bring about meaningful change in the Army's approach to security. She believes that security should be ingrained into every operational aspect of the Army and become a standard part of its business as usual.


Professor John Howie MBE

Chief Corporate Affairs Officer

Babcock International Group PLC

John was appointed as Chief Corporate Affairs Officer in October 2020 with a remit to further develop Babcock’s relationships with its key governmental customers in the UK and internationally, as well as leading Group Strategy, Corporate Communications, Sustainability and International Development. Prior to that, John was CEO-Marine with responsibility for Babcock’s warship operations as well as the commercial and international marine operations. John is a Visiting Professor at Strathclyde University, a Director of the Society of Maritime Industries, a member of the Glasgow Economic Leadership Board and Acting Chair of Maritime Research & Innovation UK. John joined Babcock in April 2001.

Matt Lock Photo

Matt Lock

Technical Director UK, Ireland and Middle East


Matt has over 20 years’ experience in the field of Information Security, which includes extensive contracts with many global businesses, including BP and JPMorgan. Specialising in risk assessment, risk management, policy compliance, security reviews and managing network behaviour anomaly systems, he now leads Varonis’ engineering team in the UK, Ireland and Middle East, ensuring the team is helping customers and partners from a range of sectors in data governance projects, and organising, securing and managing their unstructured data.

Doug Davidson Capgemini

Doug Davidson

Senior Director & Cybersecurity Lead for Aerospace and Defence



Doctor Simon Wiseman

Chief Technology Officer


Simon’s career in cyber security started in 1979 when he joined the UK team working on the Internet at the UK Ministry of Defence’s centre of computer research. Much later he moved into industry, in order to take on a more applied role, becoming Chief Technology Officer at Deep Secure, now Everfox. He has pioneered the use of hardsec to defend networks against forced entry and data transformation to defeat malware attacks in digital content, all through commercially focused products and services


Ashley Lloyd

Security Education and Culture Manager

British Telecommunications

Ashley Lloyd is the Security Education and Culture Manager for Protect BT Group, where he is an integral member of the Security Behaviours team. With a strong passion for driving cultural security change, he focuses on promoting awareness through innovative educational initiatives to mitigate risks stemming from poor security behaviours.

With over 20 years of experience, Ashley is an accomplished and versatile security professional. Prior to his civilian career, Ashley proudly served in the British Army for 14 years, where he honed his skills in leadership, strategic planning, and operational execution in various challenging environments.

Throughout his military service, Ashley demonstrated dedication to his country, undertaking diverse roles and responsibilities. His background in the armed forces serves as a solid foundation, informing his strategic approach to security education and cultural transformation initiatives.

 During his downtime, Ashley can often be found running over hills and mountains with his partner and Cocker Spaniel, as he is an avid long-distance runner. He also holds a keen interest in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and frequently participates in Capture the Flag (CTF) events.


Vic Djondo

SRO Security Culture & Education

British Telecommunications

Vic Djondo is the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for Security Culture & Education at BT Group. In essence, Vic leads the security engagement, education, communications, awareness, behaviours and culture activities for the organisation.

He brings a wealth of experience having led teams in organisations across more than a decade on various aspects of security and data business change, culture, and transformation. Vic’s previous companies include Unilever, Glaxo Smith Kline and Network Rail, among others. Vic has changed the way organisations think about security awareness – moving them into the security culture space with a mix of senior executive engagement and the empowerment of employees to take greater responsibility for security and the local level. His team blends classic awareness activities with a strong focus on human risk management, including social engineering and phishing resilience.

His strong belief is that security should be weaved into the DNA of any organisation. It should simply be “the way we do things around here” – from the way executives make decisions, to the day-to-day unconscious behaviours of every employee.

Away from his professional life, Vic is a keen sportsman and coach, and plays a key role in the management of a London amateur football league club.

Bogdan G

Bogdan Grigorescu

Senior Technical Lead, Architecture


Technologist with extensive experience across industries.

Bogdan has led specialist teams in implementing automation through AI at scale, delivering and operating enterprise platforms across geographies.

He has a track record in achieving superior customer experiences and delivering significant cost efficiencies by leveraging AI and machine learning technologies worldwide.

Background in electronics and telecommunication engineering.


08:40-17:05 - Conference venue
19:00-23:59 - Dinner venue