Expectations Vs Reality: Bridging the
Gap in Information Risk Management
Exploring Insights, Experiences and Emerging Views from Senior Leaders
Friday 31 March │ 08:45 - 10:00 BST │ Virtual Roundtable
Exploring Insights, Experiences and Emerging Views from Senior Leaders
Friday 31 March │ 08:45 - 10:00 BST │ Virtual RoundtableWith an uncertain business outlook for 2023, commercial growth will require an accurate understanding of risk. And in a digitally-enabled world, a strong understanding of information risk will be make or break for many businesses.
Yet information and security risk management can often be viewed as a cost centre instead of a revenue generator. To disrupt this paradigm, senior leaders are developing new ways to embed information risk management into the fabric of how they do business.
We interviewed twelve senior leaders to gain an in-depth and insightful picture of the contextual push and pull factors influencing the maturity of the information risk management sector. We found that significant gaps still exist between strategy and implementation. To tackle them, senior leaders are developing new approaches to embed information risk management into the fabric of how they do business.
We’re delighted to invite you to the launch of our findings. Join our exclusive launch event, which will provide a unique perspective on how to bridge the expectation gap. We’ll offer findings and recommendations covering IT hygiene, collaboration, automation and more, all through the lens of information risk management. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear from and speak with the senior leaders we interviewed as part of the research.
08:45 Welcome and introduction from Chief Disruptor and Tanium
Emma Taylor, Founder and Managing Director, Chief Disruptor
08:50 Interview: Overview of the research and key trends and findings identified
The current landscape for information risk management
Expectations versus reality: where the gaps exist
Guiding principles for better information risk management
Zac Warren, Chief Security Advisor, EMEA, Tanium
Emma Taylor, Founder and Managing Director, Chief Disruptor
09:05 Virtual roundtable discussions
09:50 Key takeaways
10:00 Close
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