Harnessing Your People to Drive and Accelerate Digital Transformation
Friday 10 February 2023 │ 08:45-10:00 GMT │ Virtual Roundtable
People are possibly the most overlooked asset in an organisation’s disruption tool kit. It’s not uncommon to hear leaders ‘talk the talk’ about the importance of people. However its not until you look below the surface that you can really see an organisation’s approach to people laid bare in it’s stated business priorities, policies and culture.
According to the 2023 Disruptive Trends survey, ‘skills shortages’ is the number one internal factor affecting an organisation’s ability to achieve their business objectives in 2023. Whether it is delivering operational efficiency through automation and AI or experimenting with VR/AR experiences within customer experience, organisations require a highly skilled workforce. And yet, according to the same survey, ‘investing in people and skills’ has sunk towards the bottom of business goals for 2023.
Given that disruptive technologies are vital to organisations combatting external market threats, it’s clear that more emphasis needs to be placed on upskilling and investing in people, enabling them to deliver your organisation’s ambitious goals. And beyond this, to empower people with a disruptive mindset to become drivers of innovation and productivity improvement in their own roles.
So if you want to harness your people to drive and accelerate your transformation efforts, where should you begin? Join us at our latest Chief Disruptor member virtual roundtable event on Friday 10th February to explore and debate this topic in more detail.
08.45 Welcome and introduction
08.50 Fireside chat
09.05 Virtual roundtable discussion
09.50 Key takeaways
10.00 Close
This is a private event for members of our community. Membership is free and takes less than 5 minutes. As a member, you will have access to this and other complimentary events. Learn more.
This event is for up to 10 C-level, Directors, Heads, and Managers driving live projects.
The community for disruptive business and technology leaders
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