Why Do So Many Business Transformations Fail to Deliver Value?
Friday 2 August 2024 │ 08:45-10:00 BST │ Chief Disruptor Breakfast Club (Virtual)
Achieving enterprise-wide business transformation is hard, which explains why so many transformations fail to deliver their expected value. But while no two struggling business transformations are the same, it is possible to identify some common patterns and dynamics that might explain the reasons behind this high failure rate. Results from the 2024 Chief Disruptor Disruptive Trends survey point to a range of common challenges, including skills shortages, silo mentality, resistance to change, speed of decision making and poorly aligned talent and processes. So what can leaders do to manage or mitigate some of these obstacles and what impact can the disruptive mindset have on success?
Join us at our Chief Disruptor Breakfast Club, "Why Do So Many Business Transformations Fail to Deliver Value?", on Friday 2 August 2024 to discuss strategies and share tips on how to maximise your chances of delivering value from your business transformation.
08:45 Welcome and introduction
08:50 Fireside chat
09:05 Virtual roundtable discussion:
09:45 Next steps and key takeaways
10:00 Close
This is a private event for Full Members of our community. Membership is free and is open to all those who have a professional or academic interest in business leadership and disruption, or the capability to support our Full Members through their business transformation.
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