Shammah Banerjee

Shammah is the Senior Editor at Nimbus Ninety. She tracks down the most exciting stories in business and tech, produces the content and gets to chat with the biggest innovators of the moment at Chief Disruptor LIVE.

Recent Posts

Recharge CRM Breakfast

on 01-May-2019 18:18:57 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
CRM stands for customer relationship management. In reality, the modern-day CRM system has gone far beyond the customer: it has become the heart pumping data lifeblood around the organisation and lies at the core of business strategy. Intelligent and strategic use of CRM can create new business opportunities and ROI; poor practice can allow inefficiencies to fester. Even with huge investment, careful implementation and technical expertise, two thirds of CRM initiatives significantly under-deliver. At a breakfast in partnership with Appirio, a group of CRM leads unpacked precisely why this continues to be the case.
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Diagnosing Digital Woes

on 05-Apr-2019 09:53:03 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
INDRA JOSHI, DIGITAL HEALTH AND AI CLINICAL LEAD AT NHS ENGLAND, TELLS ME ABOUT INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE. The NHS’s interaction with artificial intelligence has been met with a whole variety of reactions. While commentators from the national newspapers herald an “AI revolution” in healthcare, reports from the NHS suggest that the organisation’s infrastructure is not yet ready to take on these new developments.1
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The Personal Standard

on 21-Feb-2019 15:53:26 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
Priya Khullar, Head of Customer Experience and Insight at Sky Spain, tells me about personalisation in a data-driven world.
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Shaping Finance: Insights from the Industry

on 14-Feb-2019 16:58:51 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
Dr Andrei Kirilenko, Director of the FinTech Centre at Imperial College, talks FinTech and challenger banks.
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Trending Beyond the Hashtag

on 31-Jan-2019 17:14:05 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
A look at marketing to a generation of “woke” sceptics.
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Shaking Up The Standards

on 24-Jan-2019 17:01:20 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
Q: What do voice assistants, a vegan sausage roll and a razor advert have in common? A: They all shook things up.
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Mastering Digital Process Automation Breakfast

on 13-Dec-2018 09:51:02 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
In the beginning, there was chaos. A large part of work is organising chaos into order; first into systems, and then into processes.
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Chief Disruptor LIVE

on 28-Nov-2018 17:31:24 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
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The Humans Are Coming…

on 20-Nov-2018 17:41:50 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments | Activities & Updates Guest Blogs Event reports
Cybersecurity, Risk and Generation Z
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DTR Survey 2019

on 20-Nov-2018 14:11:20 By | Shammah Banerjee | 0 Comments |
It's a wonderful time of year!
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